Who we Are

Bangladesh Environmental Engineering Training and Lab Services Limited (BEETLSL) has emerged as one of the top environmental labs and consulting firms in Bangladesh. The organizational structure of BEETLSL has been kept to serve customers and the community by providing professional excellence and innovation. From the beginning, BEETLSL is focusing on sustainable consulting services to make sure that the nature and environment of Bangladesh can remain healthy for future generations.
Bangladesh Environmental Engineering Training and Lab Services Limited (BEETLSL) is now accredited by Bangladesh Accreditation Board (BAB) in the field of Environmental Testing Laboratories following the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 which will provide the highest number of Environmental Inspection Scopes in Bangladesh.

Message from Chairman

Md. Imam Hossain
I am writing to you today to share with you the vision and mission of our environmental consultancy firm, and to update you on the progress we have made towards our goals.As you are aware, our company was founded with a strong commitment to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. We believe that it is our duty as responsible citizens and business owners to do everything we can to minimize our impact on the planet and preserve it for future
Our Clients